Sold Gallery

These pages display a number of the rare items that I have had the pleasure of selling. To view more details and a larger photograph please click on the thumbnail picture.



Major Patrick Dudley Crichton-Stuart was born on the 15.5.1909,he was educated at Downside school near Bath,he attended university at Oxford graduating from Balliol Collage with a Bachelor of Arts.During the Second world war, Major Crighton Stuart served with the Intelligence corps in North Africa,Italy,France & Germany. He was with the first British troops to enter Berlin after the Russians captured the city in 1945.Because of the size and diverse nature of the collection, I have decided to sell the items separately but if anyone wishes to purchase the complete collection I would offer a better price. 1.Waffen SS Leibstandarte ADOLF HITLER other ranks cuff title,superb pre war example removed from a tunic,reverse side features RZM cloth tag marked, RZM 358/37 SS.Price £2150.00.THIS ITEM (1) IS NOW SOLD. 2.Luftwaffe HERMAN GORING officers cuff title.Blue/black cuff title with silver bullion lettering and with silver bullion borders,removed from a tunic.Price £650.00. THIS ITEM (2) IS NOW SOLD. 3.Army AFRIKA KORPS cuff title,unissued.Price £75.00.THIS ITEM (3) IS NOW SOLD. 4.Luftwaffe KRETA cuff title complete with award citation.The cuff title is in mint condition.The award citation features the design of the paratroopers badge and below this the owner's details,Jager Erwin Jendraschek,3/Fallschirm-Jager-Regt 4 and dated 20.5.1943 and signed by the General commanding the Regiment.Price £550.00.THIS ITEM (4) IS NOW SOLD. 5.Luftwaffe non portable (blackened metal) award plaque.This large plaque features the Luftwaffe eagle with inscription below for service in the air war in the east (Russia) and signed by the General commanding Luftflotte 2.Fitting to reverse for wall mounting.Price £265.00. THIS ITEM (5) IS NOW SOLD. 6.A collection of 15 German & Italian military propaganda post cards and one Italian song book.Most of the post cards are in full colour with great art work.Price £220.00. THIS ITEM (6) IS NOW SOLD. 7.Part of Adolf Hitlers map table.An actual wooden fragment with attached paper tag signed by Major Crichton-Stuart stating that he obtained this fragment from Hitlers map table in his office at the Reich Chancellery.Complete with a copy of the magazine,Die Kunst im Deutschen Reich and dated September 1939. This is the addition that features an extensive article on the Reich Chancellery with lots of photographs of the interior and exterior of the building, including Adolf Hitler's office and showing the actual map table/desk from which the fragment came.Price £265.00.THIS ITEM (7) IS NOW SOLD. 8.Official folder containing various items of paperwork belonging to Major Crichton-Stuart.Silk escape map of France,second edition.Large waterproof Allied map of France with various unit markings.Captured German map of Tunisie marked Geheim (secret).Seven RAF aerial photographs.Two captured German folding panoramic sketches showing German defensive positions.Various pictures removed from books of the middle east.Two German prayer books.Small Italian military poster.Typed 19 page publication/report,Second Army Intelligence Summary No 336-Normandy to the Baltic 6th June 1944 -2 May 1945.Price £125.00.THIS ITEM (8) IS NOW SOLD.



A superb Luftwaffe honor goblet ,this example was purchased privately in Germany and it has never been cleaned it has a good black age patiner.The obverse side of the goblet features two eagles in combat,the reverse side features the iron cross design.The base of the goblet is engraved with the award details,LEUTNANT HEINZ WINTERHOFF AM 13.1.43.The underside of the base is is maker marked,JON WAGNER & SOHN,FEINSILBER ALPAKA.Complete with the goblet is the original award citation to Leutnant Heinz Winterhoff and with matching date 13.1.1943.The citation is signed by Goring and the commanding General.Fine example and especially rare with the award citation and to an officer,most seem to be awarded to NCO's.Heinz Winterhoff was awarded the German cross in gold on the 1.10.1944 as an Oberleutant serving as Beobachter in einer Aufklarungsstaffel.Hermann Goring considered the honor Goblet to be his personal award to his aircrew's and it was awarded for distinguished achievements in the air war.No dents or other damage.Near mint.



A superb large size 30mm gold party badge still in full gilt and with perfect enamel.Reverse features the military style pin (which is harder to find than the safety pin style),marked GES GESCH in box and below this the early NSDAP membership number 8703,which from research shows that this badge belonged to Kreisleiter Ludwig Winter,the condition of the reverse of the badge is also extremely fine showing only slight wear.Ludwig Winter was born on the 16.8.1894 in Barntrup-Lippe,he served in the German army during WW1 and was awarded the iron cross 2nd class,Prince of Lipp war merit cross and the wound badge in black.Winter joined the NSDAP on the 24.6.1925 shortly after the party was reformed after Adolf Hitlers release from Lansberg prison,by 1933 he was the Kreisleiter of the town of Spring am Deister of Gau Sud Hannover-Braunshweig,by 1936 he was the Kreisleiter of Neustadt.On the 12th of November 1933 Ludwig Winter was elected to the Reichstag representing Sud Hannover-Braunschweig untill the end of the war in 1945.Complete with this badge are 10 pages of research concerning this Kreisleiter and also a photograph of him wearing his Kreisleiters uniform.



This is a superb quality Adolf Hitler funeral wreath ribbon.Fine quality silk ribbon complete with very high quality wire embroidered design of Adolf Hitlers personal standard,above this the gold blocked title,DER FUHRER,and above the wording a fine quality gold bullion state eagle on red backing,gold fringe to the bottom of the wreath.Originally this wreath ribbon would have been longer but it has been slightly shortened as they often are for ease of storage.These Funeral Wreath ribbons were only given by Adolf Hitler at the most important state funerals,this example i originally purchased some years ago in Germany with a Hermann Goring wreath ribbon which had also been slightly shortened.



Comprising four pocket open neck brown wool tunic,black piped collar for Kreis leval,collar patches are brown velvet with two silver L bars with interwoven swastikas to each with black edge piping for the rank of Hauptstellenleiter (main department leader),all silver eagle and swastika buttons remaining,high quality wool arm band to sleeve of tunic,NSDAP party badge attached to pocket of tunic.Political leaders peaked cap,mid brown top with dark brown velvet cap band with black piping for Kreis leval,complete with silver cap eagle,swastika cap cockade and silver cap cords which is correct for a Haupstellenleiter,interior of cap features celluloid patch,RZM label under the sweat band.Brown political shirt.Brown political tie with RZM label to the reverse.Political leaders wide brown leather service belt featuring large gilt buckle with political eagle and swastika,RZM markings to reverse.To complete the set is a fine quality set of brown wool political leaders breeches.Black piped political tunics and caps are extremely rare to find,in over 20 years this is only the 2nd black piped tunic i have owned,black piping was replaced for political leaders in 1939 changing to white piping which is far moor easy to find.This is one mans uniform purchased privately recently in Germany.



Extremely rare Deutschland Erwach standard.Fine red silk with embroidered lettering to the obverse side,DEUTSCHLAND ERWACH,with large black and silver swastika on white circle.Black,white and red fringe to outer edge of 3 sides of the standard.Reverse side which is also constructed in fine red silk with embroidered lettering,NAT.SOZ.DEUTSCHE ARBEITERPARTEI STURMABTEILUNG,with black and silver swastika on white circle to centre. This standard would have been used by an SA or SS Standarte (Regiment) and each one had to be consecrated personly by Adolf Hitler before going into service. This is one of about 6 original standards that came out of Statni film collection in Prag Czechoslovakia in 1990,this we believe is probably the best condition example of them all,as with all the standards from Statni it has the inventory stock number to the top left hand corner of the reverse side. A rare chance to own a 100% original example of one of these ultra rare standards,probably the ultimate item for the Third Reich collector,investor or museum.

Hermann Gorings Car Pennant

Hermann Gorings Car Pennant

Superb quality square vehicle pennant belonging to Hermann Goring as commander in chief of the German air force. Obverse side displays fine quality gold bullion eagle and swastika in a silver laurel wreath, below this is Gorings crossed field marshals batons and WW1 Pour le Merite award, the central colour of the pennant is red silk with white and black rays going out to each corner with gold bullion swastika to each corner. The pennant is bordered in gold bullion which displays rows of swastikas. The reverse side has also a central colour of red silk and again with rays going out to the corners of the pennant, to each corner is a fine quality gold bullion Luftwaffe eagle. The central design of the reverse side is a silver bullion laurel wreath with fine gold bullion swastika to centre. The pennants reverse side also has a gold bullion border with swastikas. Two clips to the side of pennant for mounting to vehicle. This pattern of pennant was used by Hemann Goring from 1938 when he was promoted to Field Marshal until 1940 when he was promoted to Reichmarshal, after this date it was still displayed on his vehicles but in conjunction with his Reichmarshall pennant. This ultra rare and beautiful pennant was removed from one of Herman Gorings vehicles in 1945 by one of his official drivers and was retained by him until its recent sale in Germany and our purchase of it.

Himmler presented SS honor sword of SS Obergruppenfuhrer Dietrich Klagges.

Himmler presented SS honor sword of SS Obergruppenfuhrer Dietrich Klagges.

This ultra rare SS birthday sword is one of the historic series of Himmler presented SS Ehrendegens which were created by master damascuse swordsmith Paul Muller, at the command of the Reichsfuhrer SS, for award to prominent nazis holding senior SS rank. Dietrich Klagges was an Alter Kampfer with the correct credentials. A veteran of the Great War, he fought against the Reds with a Freikorps unit, was an early Hitler supporter,a fanatic and effective nazi activist in the struggle for power. In 1932 Klagges was elected Minister President of the state of Braunschweig and as such he appointed Adolf Hitler to the Braunschweig legation in Berlin,thus conferring upon Adolf Hitler German citizenship,without which Hitler, an Austrian, could not run for office in the Reich, Hitler then campaigned in the Preidential election and on the basis of a high nazi poll was able to negotiate the office of Reichschancellor for himself and power for the NSDAP.Klagges contribution had been unique and historically significant for the German nation and the world. In 1935 Dietrich Klagges presented the state palace of Braunschweig to the SS for use as an SS Officers cadet school. The ceremony is recorded in the SS newspaper, Das Schwarze Korps. In 1945 at the wars end Klagges was arrested, tried and convicted of war crimes. Heinrich Himmler conferred the SS honor sword upon Klagges on the occasion of the latters fiftieth birthday, 1.2.1941, and the sword blade is so inscribed. The configuration and construction of the sword conforms in every respect to the established criteria of the Himmler presented series. The 32 inches long blade is of Turkish Damascus steel, created by Paul Mueller at the SS Damascus swordsmithy located in Dachau K.L. The blade obverse bears the raised inscription. Meinem Lieben Dietrich Klagges ZUM 1.2.1941 H. Himmler, Reichsfuehrer SS, this inscription is flanked by raised swastikas. The blade reverse bears the SS motto in raised letters, this inscription is flanked by raised SS runes. The reverse ricasso displays the famous PMD logo, utilized by Mueller at Dachau after he was well established. Some earlier examples, circa 1939 are void of this or any logo, certain blades produced by Mueller prior to his SS contact bear the logo, hand arbeit, Paul Mueller solingen. There is a small area of pitting at the very tip of the blade. If the inscription was gilded this is no longer remaining. The blade washer is still present. This blade is extremely beautiful and represents a superb testament to Paul Muellers skill and artistry at the height of his creative powers. The solid silver handmade hilt fittings to include runic badge and grip wire are in perfect condition. The fine quality ebony wood grip has two very faint hair line cracks but they are very minor. The solid silver hand made scabbard fittings are perfect, the scabbard shell which is straight and without dents or creases. The original black enamel paint shows age, but displays well with approximately 95% paint remaining. The underside of the D guard and the mouth of the scabbard throat are each struck with the SS runes protected design mark, the silver 800 content mark and the silversmiths mark of a crown and moon, all these markings are deep struck and clear. Until our purchase of the sword it had only featured in two major collections, since its discovery in the late 1960s. We also have available a large research file on SS Obergrupenfuhrer Dietrich Klagges with a number of excellent photographs of him in full Allgemine SS uniform.